Macharia PM/BMJ Glob Health
8 results

Exploring the urban gradient in population health: insights from satellite-derived urbanicity classes across multiple countries and years in sub-Saharan Africa.Macharia PM, Pinchoff J, Taylor C, Beňová L
BMJ Glob Health, (2023). 8:e013471

Exploring the urban gradient in population health: insights from satellite-derived urbanicity classes across multiple countries and years in sub-Saharan Africa.Macharia PM, Pinchoff J, Taylor C, Beňová L
BMJ Glob Health, (2023). 8:e013471

Neonatal and perinatal mortality in the urban continuum: a geospatial analysis of the household survey, satellite imagery and travel time data in Tanzania.Macharia PM, Beňová L, Pinchoff J, Semaan A, Pembe AB, Christou A, Hanson C
BMJ Glob Health, (2023). 8:e011253

Comparing modelled with self-reported travel time and the used versus the nearest facility: modelling geographic accessibility to family planning outlets in Kenya.Bouanchaud P, Macharia PM, Demise EG, Nakimuli D, Cm Fp Group
BMJ Glob Health, (2022). 7:e008366

Defining service catchment areas in low-resource settings.Macharia PM, Ray N, Giorgi E, Okiro EA, Snow RW
BMJ Glob Health, (2021). 6:e006381

Subnational estimates of factors associated with under-five mortality in Kenya: a spatio-temporal analysis, 1993-2014.Macharia PM, Joseph NK, Sartorius B, Snow RW, Okiro EA
BMJ Glob Health, (2021). 6:e004544

Spatial and spatio-temporal methods for mapping malaria risk: a systematic review.Odhiambo JN, Kalinda C, Macharia PM, Snow RW, Sartorius B
BMJ Glob Health, (2020). 5:e002919

A vulnerability index for COVID-19: spatial analysis at the subnational level in Kenya.Macharia PM, Joseph NK, Okiro EA
BMJ Glob Health, (2020). 5:e003014